About Project

The project wants to develop a strategic partnership between three police educational institutions from Romania, Hungary and Germany, with the aim of promoting and adapting tutors training, the way the students’ internship is organized, the methods, instruments and didactical means used during the internship to the institutional and transnational needs identified.

Regarding this, the project wants to create a unitary practical training framework in the police educational institutions by developing the tutors’ competences and by organizing the internship according to European trends in the field of education and professional training.

In order to achieve this target, four big objectives were established:

  • increasing the quality and objectivity in the organization of the internship for the police educational institutions students’ by correlating the educational methods and instruments of the tutors with the results of the trainees learning program and creating guides regarding this activity;
  • for the professional tutors, gaining the necessary competences that will allow them to work as tutors based on a study program created according to the requirements of labor market;
  • increasing the efficiency of teaching and work learning by using innovative IT means and instruments;
  • strengthening the professional role of tutors in civic education of the students regarding diversity and principles of the rule of law in contact with marginalized groups.

The instruments ”Basic elements of the Occupational Standard for tutors”, ”Project of Study Program for the qualification of professional tutor” and ”Educational Curriculum Project for tutor’s Professional training” elaborated during the project, will be the starting point for organizing and planning a unified continuous professional training for tutors. Also, the “Tutor’s Internship Guide” and the” Educational platform TRIDENT” will have an innovative approach regarding the educational means and instruments used. These two elements (the guide and the platform) will be the main supports in guiding and training the students during their internship, without the need to withdraw them from work place. Through this project, following the German partner’s experience in using Virtual Reality (VR) technique in training, partners intend to introduce and promote the use of this technique in policemen training at work place. For creating the ”Tutor’s Internship Guide” (photo boards, didactical materials, elements that must be visualized in detail, scanning, multiplications etc.) we will also use digital and IT equipments from each partner’s endowment or purchased in the project.

The guide regarding the internship organization and progress (”Internship Guide”) and the ”Student’s Internship Guide” will facilitate the tutors’ and students’ activity as well as of the institutions, providing in a unitary, centralized way all the information needed for organizing and evaluating the internship. Police education and training take place in a Europe of integration, diversity, mobility and migration. By what he does and by setting a personal example, the tutor/mentor is a professional guide, and by this he is a main vector in the civic education of the student that he guides, from his work place, during his internship, valuing the student’s potential and guiding his work ethic. In this regard, all intellectual outputs will approach elements of civic education, regarding diversity and legal principles that must be used in contact with marginalized groups. The educational decision makers encourage all institutions to get involved in international cooperation, for innovative purposes that will align to the new international training system based on learning results.

The project addresses the following topics:

  • New innovative curricula//educational methods/development of training courses
  • Pedagogy and didactics
  • Inclusion-equity