On April 26, an online management and implementation meeting of the Steering Committees of the 3 partners within the TRIDENT Project “Guiding the guide - a European approach of police internship” took place: “Septimiu Mureșan” Police Officers School Cluj -Napoca, Rhineland-Palatinate Police University and Miskolc School of Public Order.
Aspects are discussed regarding the stage of implementation of the project in the 6 months from the start, regarding the dissemination activities carried out during this period as well as regarding the possibility of organizing transnational physical meetings (against the restrictions imposed by the COVID 19 pandemic). We continued with the analysis of the possibility of running in parallel the stages of creation of intellectual products O1 - Basic elements of the occupational standard for tutors, O2 - Draft standard of training of tutors and O3 - Draft curriculum for the training of tutors, respectively O4 - Guide for the organization and development of the internship, O5 - The internship guide for tutors and O6 - The internship guide for students. Also, the necessary documents for completing the Interim Report were presented, which will have to be drawn up at the end of the first year of the project.