Intellectual Output 1 (O1)

Basic elements of the Occupational Standard for tutors

The O1 output “Basic elements of the occupational standard for tutors” is a practical material, realized using scientific methods, in order to be applied concretely to the needs of the partner institutions that have set up Trident Project. This document is the result of a collective work of experts, technicians and administrative staff from GE, RO and HU.

Individual activities were carried out, as well as institutional and inter-institutional working meetings at national and international level. Interviews were made, analyses, research, processing, centralization and informative activities were carried out. Following all these activities, we were able to identify context, common and specific elements of the activity of "internship tutor for police education system” (TSP) and we created, for each institution, the basic elements on which the TSPs’ training will be based on.

After a short Introduction, the output is structured in two parts: Internship tutor for police education system (with Concepts, definitions and terminology; Context of tutoring activity in the three countries; Common and specific elements of tutoring activity in the three countries) and Basic elements of the TSP occupation (Project proposals for the TSP occupational standard/Occupational profiles for the three partner countries). Within these sections we also included aspects related to the professional role of tutors in the students’ civic education and the trans-nationality of TSP training.

O1 can be used as a model of good practice for creating its own occupational standards by any educational police unit in the participating countries or in EU. All three participating countries are in different stages of modernizing and aligning the policemen professional tuition to the European policies in the field of education and professional training, taking into account the specific of public order domain. From a legal point of view, each of the three partner institutions has different regulations and, of course, different needs.

For the GE partner, HdP, StOPol study regulations are applied and also the training and assessment regulations for police service level intermediary superior (APOgPol) valid in Renania-Palatinate land. HdP already has a qualification concept for trainers and tutors, so that the experience gained here forms an essential basis for their contribution to O1. In addition, they carried out a scientific evaluation of the Rhineland-Palatinate training concept using Lime Survey as part of the work on output 1 in order to incorporate the results into the project. Thus, during O1 creation, HdP updated its existing regulations, in cooperation with the other two partners. In reference to this partner, tutoring is not a standalone profession and they do not intend to change this. In Renania-Palatinate, only police officers with a Bachelor’s degree can be tutors.

In HU, there are occupational standards, but tutoring activity does not require a special qualification recognized by the state and is not included in the list of occupations. The regulations of the Ministry of Interior establish the requirements for becoming a tutor. There is also training for tutors, but it is not standardized. During O1 elaboration, the interview guides used by SAPSM in the interviews conducted during the occupational analysis were adapted to the Hungarian context. The findings of the project were validated and refined through questionnaires and interviews with a representative group of tutors and internship managers. An exhaustive list of activities and competences was developed.

The RO partner, SAPSM, intended to create the premises of regulating a body of tutors in the Romanian Police, as a distinct specialization, added to work duties, in order to underline and consolidate the importance of their activity within basic professional training of policemen. At the time the Project was initiated, there was no occupational standard, no professional profile of tutors and no training classes for the tutors during students’ internship.

So the idea appeared that this output should be made as a professional profile of TSP, which should contain the basic elements of this occupation/activity:

  • attributions, tasks and responsibilities of the tutors who guide the students’ activity;
  • competences, skills, personal features necessary for fulfilling the tutors’ activities;
  • training/qualification requests (training access conditions, level, methods, duration);
  • practical experience necessary for becoming a tutor.

Working on O1 intellectual output, the partners have set up the basic elements of tutor occupation, which was the basis for creating intellectual outputs O2 and O3. HdP updated its existing regulations, MRVT developed the HU version of the occupational standard, but in the HU context, the standard is only available at recommendation level. SAPSM created a Project of TSP Occupational Standard which was presented to Romanian Police General Inspectorate for their approval and verification.